In this 16th installment of Mutual Publishing’s Little Hawaiian Cookbooks series, local culinary expert Muriel Miura presents fifty different ways to enjoy pineapple in a collection of simple, ease-to-prepare recipes ranging from appetizers to desserts.
Appetizers & Salads
- Seafood Cocktail
- Mango Chutney-Cheese Pâté
- Baked Spring Rolls
- Bleu Cheese Dip
- Koala Avocado
- Hawaiian Star Salad
- Chicken Chutney Salad
- Calabash Salad
- Seafoam Salad
- Pineapple-Crab Salad
- Hawaiian Ambrosia
- Pineapple-Beef Kabobs
- Pineapple Lobster with Black Beans
- Pineapple Meat Rings
- Oven-Braised Short Ribs
- Aloha Chicken
- Sweet and Sour Spareribs
- Baked Pineapple Ham
- Glazed Pork Chops
- Zesty Sausage Meatloaf
- Sweet-Sour Fish
- Hawaiian Bean Bake
Sweets & Treats
- Pineapple Upside Down Cake
- Pineapple Nut Bread
- Lime Pineapple Pie
- Pineapple Date Bars
- Cocoa Pecan Pineapple Cookies
- Pineapple Soufflé
- Mai Tai Pie
- Pineapple Fruitcake
- Ginger-Pineapple Torte
- Easy Pineapple Sorbet
- Pineapple Cloud Dessert
- Pineapple Chiffon Dessert
- Pineapple Meringue Pie
- Soufflé Cointreau
- Pineapple Fruit Cup
- Pineapple-Apricot Conserve
- Pineapple Jam
- Pineapple Jelly
- Chunky Pineapple Chunky
- Pineapple-Papaya Marmalade
- Pineapple Juice
- Pineapple Punch
- Hawaiian Fruit Punch
- Guava-Pineapple Punch
- Pineapple Shake
- Pink Champagne Punch
- Fruity Slush
- Pineapple Nog
Author: Muriel Miura